24 April 2021

Procedural Chunk-Based Universe Part 9: Across this New Divide, Part 2

Picking up where my last entry left off: Once I had the basic ingredients for an adjustable bridge whose segments could change angle and length, the next task was to give these to an algorithm and have it use these features to construct a bridge of whatever shape and size would be needed.

Computers, and in turn algorithms they run, are fundamentally mathematical objects and thus - sigh - I resigned myself to digesting a heavy serving of math, specifically trigonometry in this case. Each end of the bridge would be a segment that had to face a particular direction - that of whatever connected to the bridge at that end (e.g. one of a pair of doors). Thus, in mathematical terms, each end comprised a point in space (I was only worrying about two dimensions at this point) and a direction vector which had to be followed for at least the length of one bridge segment. By combining these direction vectors with a line connecting the two points, I could create one side and two angles. My task, therefore, reduced to its most basic mathematical formulation, was to complete a triangle given these ingredients, a situation often denoted as "ASA" for "Angle, Side, Angle" in academic settings:

Points A and B are the bridge's end points and arrows indicate the direction vectors; combined together, these constraints yield the rest of the figure including point C and the various angles labeled with lower case letters.

Having drawn this triangle, I considered how I would use curved segments to accomplish the change in direction. I couldn't rely on a single corner to do this, because any curved segments would change their overall lengths as their curvatures were adjusted, and I had set them up in such a way that they could be constructed with various shapes and amounts of curvature. If I started building a curve at one end, by the time that curve was in alignment with the direction needed on other end, the end of the curve would very likely be out of alignment with the position of the other end such that a straight segment couldn't properly connect them.

Fortunately there was a way out! Curves facing opposite directions had the potential to cancel out these offsets in position if they curved by the same amount. In other words, if I split the curved part of the bridge into two halves, an isosceles triangle, having two corners that have the same angle, would permit me great freedom in how the curves were actually shaped while maintaining the certainty that the ends of the curves could line up with both ends of the bridge. In the above image, triangle ACD is an isosceles triangle, in which the exact angles are unknown but angles b and c are known to equal each other. Thus, if I could find point D, I could simply build a bridge connecting A to D and then easily connect that bridge to B using only straight segments.

After doing some calculations using Al-Kashi's Law of Cosines, I was able to find places to put the curved parts of the bridge and then align them with the end points and with each other:

In my experimental setup, a bridge is being generated to connect the platforms at the top of each of these two cylindrical towers. Note how each curved segment here is attached at one end to the corresponding point in the isosceles triangle, rather than being centered on it. The goal, after all, is to have the ends of the bridge and its constituent segments aligned; the positioning of the centers of the pieces is of little importance.

Because the two curved segments curve the same amount in opposite directions, the offsets that occur at their end points cancel out and thus they are in alignment with each other. So far I've only experimented with a single pair of curved segments; but the system is designed with the concept of chaining multiple curved segments together in mind, in case individual curved segments are unable to curve far enough to achieve a full alignment on their own.

Now it's a matter of repeatedly spawning straight segments in the gaps to fill them in. This process makes use of the same Node Attachment system I implemented before that was used for manually constructing and later automatically generating levels. To minimize complexity for the sake of performance, first a series of straight segments is attached, continuing until the remaining gap is within the extension range of a single telescoping segment.

In the first draft of this system, only one type of "normal" straight segment was included, but recently I have implemented an array of segment templates from which to choose. The system iterates through this array, sorted from the longest template to the shortest, until it finds one that fits in the remaining gap without extending too far; thus the final bridge ends up being built out of significantly fewer total segments, which should improve performance overall.

For the sake of clarity I have colored the two segments yellow and green. First the longer yellow segment is attached in the gap, then the shorter red segment. Since the remaining gap is less than the maximum length of a single telescoping segment, no more "normal" segments have been inserted.

Now that a single telescoping segment can span the remaining gap, it is inserted and its length is adjusted to match the remaining distance:

The telescoping segment consists of a base (red) and an extended section (yellow), which slides in or out to match the desired total extension distance.

The second gap is then filled in the same manner as the first:

Diagram of the full construction process. For clarity I have shrunk the visual models of the segments slightly to create small gaps.

This system has served my purposes quite well so far, and I have compiled an interactive demo which is available on my itch.io page. In the demo the bridge construction process is set up as a coroutine with a small delay so that one can watch the bridge form.

It does have some constraints, though. It can only build bridges if the triangle depicted above can be formed, i.e. some point exists in between the two end pieces toward which both pieces are pointing (point C, even though point C itself is not directly used in the calculations). If, say, both ends are pointing toward one another but offset by some amount so that the bridge would have to curve in two directions (a sort of "S" shape), a bridge is not formed. Also, naturally, a bridge cannot be formed if the end points are facing away from one another. In the future, it should be possible to address either of these situations, if needed, by chaining two or more bridges together.

The ability this system provides to connect arbitrary locations (if they meet the aforementioned constraints) is valuable for both the 3D chunk system I discussed (for connecting doors between neighboring chunks) and the level generator I discussed before that (for creating closed loops). My goal is eventually to have all three of these work together to create a system capable of generating a limitless interconnected network of traversible spaces. I expect it to be just as complicated and difficult as it sounds, and I look forward to sharing many more of my adventures along the way.

23 April 2021

Procedural Chunk-Based Universe Part 8: Across this New Divide

I remember black skies, the lightning all around me. I remembered each flash, as time began to blur, like a startling sign that fate had finally found me... and your voice was all I heard. Did I get what I deserve?

SO GIVE ME REASON! To prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean, let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes! Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between; let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide...

Sadly (or perhaps happily, if we're being honest), this post actually has nothing to do with Linkin Park or the Transformers franchise.

My earlier post "Going in Circles" detailed at length how my random level generator is able to piece together rooms and passageways into a tree structure but is unable to create cycles or loops that allow multiple paths from one area to another. I explained how this was important for game level design and then left off without having provided a solution.

What I did say was that my next step in solving the problem would involve adjustable pieces. The need for these arises from my insistence on not having the shape of the level be bound to a grid, as I detailed in my previous post about doors. When room prefabs aren't based on a grid, they can vary in dimensions in ways that easily and rapidly become unpredictable. A series of rooms can easily be generated that loops back toward an existing room's doorway, but it's all but inevitable that it won't line up in a usable fashion at all, let alone perfectly:

In this example, I've constructed a hallway that, due to the diagonal segments, can't align properly to reconnect to the central hub. A hallway segment spawned in the gap isn't able to fit without overlapping so badly it obstructs the player from moving past it.

How can I possibly connect the space between and bridge this new divide?

The solution I found was to implement "stretchy" segments that were able to telescope between a minimum and maximum length. By replacing some of the hallway segments with these, I gained the ability to fine-tune the dimensions of the hallway and align it precisely with the door:

One "stretchy" segment is placed at the end of the hallway and one in a perpendicular section, allowing the hallway to be adjusted on two axes.

Of course, however well manual adjustments may work, they won't be available during procedural level generation. I had to craft some kind of automated system that would find the correct alignment values and adjust the segments accordingly. Along the way I devised a way for segments to have a "secondary axis" for extension so that staircases (or in practice, ramps) could be used to join areas at different heights. The result was a surprisingly satisfying animation:

When given a target location, horizontal catwalks and ramps both have the ability to calculate the needed displacement and change their extension values accordingly so that their endpoints align with their destinations.

I didn't have to make it an animation, naturally - in practice these adjustments can be made in a single step when generating a level.

Nearly all the ingredients were in place at this point, but there was one more problem that arose - doors had no reason to end up perfectly oriented toward one another. Only because the angles happened to cancel out was it possible for me to achieve alignment in the above images, but while working on the random doors in my previous post, I realized that unless they were given random orientations as well as positions, the grid structure would still not quite be hidden - anywhere a player went, it would be easy to detect the orientation of the underlying grid cells by examining the orientations of the doors, and from there it would be easy to approximate the grid cells' locations. It sounds more subtle and complicated than it actually is when seen first-hand in a game world.

Thus in addition to segments that could extend linearly, I had to create a way for them to bend. As of this post I'm still working out a few kinks in this system, but what I have so far is able to calculate the direction in which a target position lies and then rotate the hallway to run parallel to that direction (which is slightly different from pointing straight toward it):

This functionality can be chained and combined with the existing telescoping functionality to create a self-adjusting bridge that does its best to maintain a connection between two points:

It's still far from perfect, and more importantly, it's of very limited use in this state. I can manually design a bridge that connects two points if it can, but the bridge still has no way to deal with the orientations of whatever exists at those points, and at this point I didn't have a system for automatically constructing bridges like this. In my next post I'll describe the solution I devised.

Sorry this isn't a real post :C

I've entered graduate school and, as I expected, suddenly become far busier than I had been before, leaving no time to maintain my blog,...